The Science Behind the Healing

We talk a lot about how horses help people heal, but we don’t usually dive into the actual science of it. The Horse Boy Method training actually explains this science quite well, and while it is targeted to those with neurological disorders and people on the autism spectrum, it really applies to everyone.

A child on the autism spectrum, however, is the perfect example to help people understand how it works. Children on the spectrum are flooded with the hormone cortisol. Cortisol is the stress hormone that causes the “fight or flight” response. It’s not healthy to live under constant stress that causes the continuous production of cortisol. Overtime, it creates many more issues in the body such as issues with your immune system, digestion, and even your blood sugar. This is also known as the “cell danger response.”

Exercise in general is actually a great way to reduce your body’s cortisol and relieve stress, but for most kids on the spectrum, you aren’t likely to get them to go jogging or work out in a gym. Kids on the spectrum also tend to really connect with animals. This is why horseback riding can be so beneficial to them.

When a person, either a child or an adult, is on the horse, the action of the horse moving causes the body to stop producing cortisol and instead you begin producing the hormone oxytocin. This is the “feel good” hormone. The rocking action of the hips causes this hormone to be released. When the cortisol is turned off and the oxytocin is turned on, you begin to relax and it opens up the brain for learning. Once oxytocin is reaching the brain and the child’s stress is relieved, then you can work with them in a gentle manner to help them communicate and even learn.

The other benefit is that when a person or child is on a horse, they don’t ever feel like they are being forced to learn. They are being empowered.


What to Expect at Your First Lesson


Healing Kids with Horses